MW2 Jav Patch


Javelin glitch have you down? Don't worry, you won't be screaming at another gamer much longer about their abuse of the glitch. Thanks to the tweets from both MajorNelson & Stepto from Microsoft, we know now that the patch will be hitting Xbox Live in the next few hours.

While we've yet to receive any confirmation about the Playstation 3 side of things, we're expecting that the patch for Playstation 3 should be coming relatively soon as well. The tweets from the Microsoft guys can be found below:

Stepto tweeted, "Xbox360 #MW2 update will be out late late tonight/the wee hours of the morning PST. Just in time for the weekend! #ByeByeJavelinGlitch"

MajorNelson tweeted, "This just in: The Title Update that addresses the #MW2 javelin exploit will go live early Friday morning (PT.)"

There you have it, one of the most annoying glitches in Modern Warfare 2 is finally being resolved. Let's just hope that nothing else flares up from this most recent patch. Be sure to check back soon for more news on Modern Warfare 2!